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Thank you, Becky!
Many thanks to Becky, for signing the Guestbook and for the compliments!
We hope we will always be your favourite site!
Rosie & the Girls
Kate Mozier-Tichy shares her story with us!
Justin came to my school during a play rehearsal to visit his mom, mrs. Long, because she was directing the school
play (Guys and Dolls). He told us how he got famous and how he started. He said he started in college trying to find and agent,
but no one would take him. But one day he was looking in the back of the paper and found an add for the "Blues Clues" guy.
He sent his pic and resumé in and they liked him, so he was about to become the Blues Clues guy. Then, he got an agent, even
though the "bc" guy didn't end up breaking his contract.... .... ....
He also gave Lindsay Lohan and ring on her cell; she didn't answer but he left a message and let a kid from our play
say something to her too. By Monday she texted him back-- OMG who is that kid he is so cute!- lol anyway, he was really cool
and joked around a lot. Plus, he still visits his mom.
I still see mrs. Long in the halls everyday at school and she and my mom discuss perogis.
*Kate Mozier-Tichy*
P.S. - Their dog is really cute!
Justin is the guest star on "Campus Ladies" (episode "Fraternity Row")
Here is the link (provided by Xioma) to watch the clip:
Campus Ladies - Fraternity Row
The Sasquatch Dumpling Gang
Find out more about another upcoming movie that has Justin as one of the leads. It won best Director, Tim Skousen, and
best Actor, Justin Long at the Aspen Comedy Awards.
Thanks again to our friend Xioma for the links! You are a star and your contribution is precious to this site. Thank
Cool News
Sony BMG Film
"DREAMLAND" at the Sundance Film Festival 2006

Our friend Xioma has provided a link to the site where two clips from Justin's latest project "Dreamland" can be found.
And here it is:
Dreamland Clips
... And Xioma informs us also that you can see Justin and his "Dreamland" co-star Kelli Garner interviewing each other
at Sundance.
It is really a funny moment and Justin is simply adorable.
Justin & Kelli at Sundance
Katie shares her Justin story with us
"A friend and I went to Hollywood this last summer and we happened across the Herbie Fully Loaded premiere on Hollywood
Blvd. We talked to one the security guys and he told us when people would be arriving and all of that stuff, so we sat
out there for probably 5 or 6 hours, watching everyone arrive. We were just about to leave because all of the stars
had gone inside The ElCapitan Theatre, but when we were walking away, my friend saw one last guy talking to reporters.
Lo and behold, it was Justin. So we yelled his name and we waving and he waved back, then actually
came over to meet us. It was absolutely incredible. He was such a sweetheart, just the nicest guy you could ever imagine.
He thanked us so many times for waiting so long (I think he saw how sunburned we were from the wait). He gave us
his autograph and took his picture with was amazing. By far, the greatest part of the trip."
Justin Fan Art by Selphie, a very talented girl.
See more of Selphie's work at:
Justin Fan Art
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All Rights Reserved